I am a seasoned developer in eclipse adt and recently switched to Android Studio . I should say eclipse is definitely better that AS! True eclipse crashes but so does AS and even more! Eclipse knows how a Java developer thinks and thus is very very intuitive. AS crashes blatantly throwing NPEs which is embarassing! As of now AS is definitely overhyped. I am sure intellij has done some evil deals with google to push its IDE. People who are voting for AS have definitely not worked in eclipse for long. This debate is becoming more of 'who knows what' rather than 'which is actually better'. This I am writing when I am in the middle of my work and AS wouldnt start after an update.
Somehow all bugs of AS are let go simply saying 'AS is new' , this is not logical.
Going ahead I'll be updating a series of my personal observations to compare both IDE's . let the facts speak for themselves rather than opinions.
1. Android studio freezes the whole screen after a manual update trigger . Now I have to see this screen while leaving my work, untill this is finished. Eclipse provides an option 'Run in Background' for such situations.
2. After three failed attmepts and numerous Null Pointer Exceptions! It updated to newer version. costing me 30 mins. But 'its ok since Android Studio is new'. .
3. Try this..
- Open a project 1 in Android Studio
- Open poject 2 from inside project project1 : (File -New Project)
- The new project is opening.
- Obviously you want to close the first project as you no longer need it, so close. Both the workspaces crashes...but its ok..Android studio is new , its learning.
4, Opened my existing project today on Android Studio , was greeted by this error , repeatedly.
5 Cannot share project to github from Android Studio . Learn how eclipse does it. .
6. Loading time: Based on my observation Android studio takes more than 3 times ( yes 3 times!) than that of eclipse to load a blank project.
7. Scenario: Was adding google play services library in project. edited the build to include the library.. It asks for a sync. I clicked on sync project. Fails to sync , says gradle version not good, use default gradle. I switch to default . Hangs complete nicluding my laptops mouse and OS for 5 minutes and then says the sync failed. Here is the log. BUT ITS OK AS Is NEW GIVE IT SOME TIME!!

error log:
Indexable files iterated in 325 ms
2016-03-21 13:08:05,860 [3222556] INFO - .project.GradleProjectResolver - Gradle project resolve error
org.gradle.tooling.BuildException: Could not run build action using Gradle installation 'E:\INSTALLED_SOFTWARES\android_studio\gradle\gradle-2.8'.
at org.gradle.tooling.internal.consumer.ResultHandlerAdapter.onFailure(ResultHandlerAdapter.java:57)
at org.gradle.tooling.internal.consumer.async.DefaultAsyncConsumerActionExecutor$1$1.run(DefaultAsyncConsumerActionExecutor.java:57)
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.DefaultExecutorFactory$StoppableExecutorImpl$1.run(DefaultExecutorFactory.java:64)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

Whom are you trying to fool??
9. If you have same libraries multiple times in your project. Say you have a google sdk, facebook sdk and your module and all three uses android-support AS fails to build, giving the below mentioned error. It expects you to remove all the duplicate libraries on our own and then rebuild, whereas eclipse says "I found multiple versions of the same library, I am using the latest one of all" , and moves ahead.
Android Studio:
Eclipse for same project:

I used AS, now i want to kill my self,knowing that Android development is my profession and google is making AS the official IDE.
ReplyDeleteI want to kill myself. Just unbelievable Google.
DeleteToday download & Install...
ReplyDeletewait.... 2 Gigas ?? (Autocad is Ligth !!)
And after creating an application with the wizard and wait minutes ....
I started seeing errors
Tomorrow I download Eclipse, and hopefully better luck.
I want to use designing templates for my app. I am using Eclipse IDE. please tell the link from where I can get them.
DeleteEclipse is the best. So you need only to connect google servises librarys for Android Studio to Elipse: How to do this: http://turbocolour.blogspot.com/p/eclipse-and-libs.html
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI was using Android in Eclipse until August 2016, but suddenly some (Java?) update caused my Eclipse sometimes to crash. So I wasn't able to rebuild an Eclipse workspace with a new Eclipse version and ADT plugin, since it is not supported by Google anymore. My Android projects in Eclipse were totally Maven organized, so I was able to release with one command, Maven deployed it to my SVN as new release tag, and so on.
ReplyDeleteAnd now, I can throw everything away because of this fucking Gradle and Android Studio, so I started to reorganized the project structure and started to build up a Gradle script which behaves as my old Maven scripts. But Gradle is a shit like Ant. Convention over configuration as in Maven? Good joke. Instead all the project based code is seperated into different Gradles files and you never know what actually happens and when. Moreover, Android Studio is totally ugly on Linux, because fonts of Java programs don't look rendered there. The JetBrains guys mean it's a Java bug and if so Oracle doesn't care about since about 10 years. It took me days modify this fucking IDE that it looks almost as the Java code view in Eclipse. I even installed a plugin that uses the Eclipse Java font style, otherwise AS would be unusable. Then, the next joke. The SVN implementation of fucking AS is rudimentary and doesn't even work properly, because you cannot even add files as ignore files by right click! You have to add it somewhere in settings but this does not even work, because it's very buggy. I had to find a combination of removing and adding the project over and over again to let AS recognize the SVN ignore files!
After two weeks I was finally able to successfully build my current app and deploy it on my phone. AS suggested some improvements in code. I started to refactor these parts, and suddenly, what's that?? Auto build doesn't work in AS!! I removed a constructor in one class, but I don't see compiler errors like in Eclipse! I have to make a full Gradle build in this fucking AS to see the compiler errors! I searched for this problem, but some IntelliJ fanboys meant that one should not write or refactor code like this! Sure, these idiots or the idiots of Google who support this fucking AS IDE even want to tell me how I should write code now! Meanwhile I tried to build up the release management in this stupid Gradle. Now in September, I'm almost be able to release like in Maven but the automatic deployment of the apk output to SVN's release folder still don't work, although I don't know if all this zip alignment and signing worked as expected since I didn't upload to Google Play yet. I guess there are still surprises. Nevertheless, obviously it's a too big requirement for fucking Gradle to deploy a single apk file to release folder. It seems that it's not working as easy as expected. I still don't know what "plugin" to use for this. The "Maven" plugin wasn't able to do this yet. In Gradle you don't even know which version of which plugin is the latest. Obviously it's not so easy to figure out what is the latest version of a plugin and when I search in this friggin' Bintray JCenter for it, I get hundreds of results, but not what I searched for. And it's very very slow!
Because of this AS crap I already lost 1 1/2 months in this project and the release management still doesn't work as expected. I already invested more than one year for my current Android project and it still takes one year, but I really thought about stopping it because of AS and Gradle.
Android Studio fucking sucks, waste of time. Full of error on clean win7 machine with Java 1.8 wtf google..
ReplyDeleteI've been a software developer for over 30 years. BS/MS Comp Sci. I state this only to emphasize that Android Studio (2.2.2) is by far the most counter-productive IDE I've used in my entire career. The emulator, in particular, is complete garbage. I would fire every manager, developer, and ESPECIALLY tester responsible for this heaping pile of sh*t.
ReplyDeleteThere's no need to show off your horse and sword to agree that Android Studio is worth close to nothing. We are all as capable as you.
DeleteThis is a follow up to my previous long post. Android Studio 2.2.2 Ubuntu: When you create a new class and link a super class in the wizard, the super class is not added to the created class in code! Are we developers alpha testers now? This is a very basic functionality which does not work. I will surely not file bug reports. They force us using this crap and then we should help them to improve it? Good joke.
ReplyDeleteAnother disadvantage: In Eclipse, you could organize imports (CTRL + Shift + O) and add classes in this way which are not referenced yet. Doesn't work with shit AS. Organize imports deleted unneeded imports, but does not add needed ones. You have to go to the class and press CTRL + Space to get the menu to import the correct class.
By the way: I figured out why the rendering did not work in AS on Linux. The initially added dash icon in the side bar added some weird launch parameters which caused this. If you launch AS from bash, the rendering works. Add the appearing dash icon to your menu then.
I'm an experienced software developer for over 30 years. Have worked with a lot of IDEs developing with many different languages from Assembler up to Java now (Java for over 10 years, starting with Visual Age for Java to Eclipse).
ReplyDeleteAfter working with AS for 2 weeks I have to say I really hate this thing. Never felt so uncomfortable with an IDE. With this "eye cancer" GUI I'm totaly losing the overview, building time is a joke. Never saw such a bundle of unlogical default shortcuts, at the moment everything seems unorganized.
Yesterday I had to invest hours to make my project compileable again after a System crash.
Now I'm just wondering what's going on after I've connected my project to a VCS.
Google guys you are really stupid to prefer that piece of crap over Eclipse.
I tried Android studio 2.2.3 and it DOES TOTALLY SUCK!!! So does everything about this product. I too have been in IT 30+ years, starting with Assembler and every language since. NEVER gave I seen an IDE unable to run a simple "hello World" app. Their "virtual machine system" for loading Android images takes for ever and I get 100s, possibly 1000s or errors in the Android Monitor. Files not found, permission problems, modules not found, failure to load, no such file or directory..., just ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've given up. I spent good money on some Online Android Development tutorials at Udemy, and I can't even get the android emulator to come up and work, much less, run a simple "hello World" program.
But, its to be expected. Google Chrome can't even pop up a message to ask "close all tabs or just the current one" when you mistakenly click close. You loose ALL of your browser tabs.
I've also worked on "Google for Govt" (email, calendar, etc.) and they changed everything so often, and never labeled their documentation as to which version this information applied to. And their sample code never showed what libraries needed to be "included" to make things work. They create stuff that's impossible to use.
As someone else said, I'm not going to debug their crap for them, and I'm not going to waste my time, nor recommend any of their technologies to anyone.
Oh well, do they really care to listen to people?
ReplyDeleteHow on earth could they have hired such lousy engineers who don't seem to have the faintest clue about how to design software?
Yup, IMO AS it indeed total crap. Funky as Eclipse is, it is by far thousand times better than the crappy AS startup!
Anyway, you're not alone folks, i'm just yet an other, let's just say, unhappy developer.
This is horrible software. I have courses from university level using c#, visual basic and java in the last years using eclipse primarily and visual studio. They fly compared to this piece of crap. I have increased memory, used multiple computers and external phones to speed the process ...today i spent...am spending over one hour renaming a project...one filename...and i expect a few hours still. Unbelievable to have to work with this.
ReplyDeletehow the hell did Android Studio get the gig? 2GB+ download! Builds taking 10x longer than Eclipse. Hours setting up, just mins for eclipse... Is there a petition?
ReplyDeleteI lost a lot of business because of slow AS.
ReplyDeleteI'm a seasoned developer.. I've been writing apps now for well over 30 years.. AS cannot even compile it's own 'hello world' app from a fresh clean install. It's slow, buggy, and requires an absurd amount of memory . Google needs to support command line builds because the IDE is dogshite.
ReplyDeleteI used Eclipse just for 2 days in an android workshop and build some simple apps! I really found it so fast and easy!
ReplyDeleteNow, I am learning Android Development on Android Studio and I spent 3 whole days om just installation and finding solutions to some problems. AS is really a pain!
Well, it's 2018 and android Studio is still a shit, I have two partitions, one with Linux and one with Windows. I have installed AS on both, it does not work properly on either. On Linux it has rendering errors and the virtual machine does not start, it does not compile its own hello world, on Windows it also has rendering and performance errors. The worst part is that there is no solution to a single problem: there are complete threads of solutions that do not work in StackOverFlow. I downloaded a Github app to follow a tutorial and this one also gave me errors, the worst part is that I come from Visual Studio where everything works and I am only in AS for a punctual need, as soon as I finish I become VS and I will only develop with Xamarin.